March 14 is Pi day. Not pie, as in apple or blueberry, but Pi, as in a mathematical term. The reason March 14 is Pi day is because in math, Pi is 3.14. On a calendar, 3.14 is March 14. For …
This past week, our small farm experienced a great loss. We had bred our sow, and the babies were set to arrive any day. We stepped up our piggy checks but somehow, we missed key signs …
1. Join a cattle marketing group or sell on the web/local • sale barns have a small group of buyers’ interest in mind. • why do they sort the way they do? …
Well, now that the hustle of moving is over, it is time to start digging a little deeper into the 2024 gardening season.
You know all those “national days of whatever” that I’m always telling you about? Well, I’ve finally come up with one of my own. It’s “national just go to bed night”.
I heard about a new study the other day that said water bottles can be bad for you. According to this report, if you put boiling hot liquids in regular plastic bottles, it can release chemicals from the plastic that might be bad for your health.
The 2023 volleyball season wrapped up in late December, and although the National Championship didn’t turn out the way I wanted, this year was memorable for me.
It is cold. I really don’t need to tell you that, but it is cold. We have hit record lows in Goshen County, Wyoming over the last week which always makes my heart hurt for our producers.
We went out to eat the other day and on the menu, right there below the real, 100% pure American beef hamburgers was a “plant-based meat” burger.
When my children were little, we lived in the country. A trip to the local city park was always a treat after a long day shopping or just a surprise reward after a long week on the farm.
I just read about how pork exports to China have increased. This is due to the effects of Swine fever on Chinese pork supplies. This is good for U.S. pork producers, but it’s not the whole story. The rest of the story is a lot more fun.
I grew up with two older sisters. Both were deeply involved in 4-H, FFA and agriculture. As the youngest, I often attended judging practice, 4-H meetings and fair as a small but not so quiet, shadow.
So here we are at the end of December What a great time to reflect and remember.
This evening, I have the honor of attending the FFA creed speaking contest at my daughter’s local high school.
I read an article the other day about Bethlehem. This was THE Bethlehem, the real one in the middle east where Jesus was actually born. The article was about how Bethlehem is gearing up for a very subdued Christmas because the main economy there is tourism and for some reason people don’t want to celebrate Christmas in a war zone.
It is December in southeastern Wyoming. Some would assume with winter upon us, we would have snow. In fact...we don’t. Here in southeastern Wyoming, we have tumbleweeds.
“How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” -Dr. Seuss
In November of 2020, Colorado passed Proposition 114 requiring the Colorado Park and Wildlife Commission to take the necessary steps to begin the reintroduction of gray wolves into parts of Colorado by the end of 2023. An agreement between the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission allowed for the translocation of up to ten gray wolves from December 2023 to March 2024.
Even though this is supposed to be the season of joy, people are people no matter what season it is, and even when they don’t mean to, people complain. There are even websites devoted to complaining. Sometimes complaining is crazy, sometimes it’s silly, and sometimes it’s downright funny. Here are some of the funniest things that people gripe about.
This time of year, there are so many things going it’s enough to drive you crazy. Okay, not really crazy, but the closer we get to Christmas, the more people deal with depression. And it’s no wonder!